The Revival of Penmanship: Why Writing by Hand Matters

Post Date : September 20, 2022

In a world dominated by digital technology, penmanship may seem like a lost art. However, there has been a recent resurgence of interest in the craft of handwriting. This revival is not only due to nostalgia but also to the numerous benefits that writing by hand offers. In this blog post, we will explore why penmanship matters and how it continues to thrive in the modern era.

The Importance of Penmanship:

  1. Improved Memory and Learning: Writing by hand has been proven to improve memory and learning. A study conducted by Pam Mueller and Daniel Oppenheimer in 2014 found that students who took notes by hand retained more information than those who typed their notes. The process of writing involves encoding information, which aids in memory retention.
  2. Cognitive Benefits: Writing by hand also provides cognitive benefits by engaging the brain in a more complex manner. The act of handwriting requires fine motor skills and coordination between the hand, eye, and brain. This engagement results in better cognitive development, particularly in children.
  3. Emotional Well-being: Journaling and expressive writing have been linked to improved emotional well-being. Writing by hand allows for more thoughtful expression, which can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It also fosters self-reflection and personal growth.
  4. Creativity Boost: The slower pace of writing by hand encourages a more deliberate thought process, allowing creative ideas to flow more freely. Many writers and artists claim that the physical act of putting pen to paper enhances their creative process and helps them overcome writer’s block.
  5. Personal Touch and Connection: Handwritten notes and letters carry a personal touch that is often lost in digital communication. A handwritten message is more intimate and heartfelt, which can strengthen relationships and connections. Moreover, the time and effort put into penmanship showcases the importance placed on the recipient.

How to Revive Penmanship in Your Life:

  1. Practice Daily: Set aside some time each day to practice your handwriting. This can be through journaling, writing a to-do list, or simply doodling. The more you practice, the more your penmanship will improve.
  2. Experiment with Different Writing Instruments: Find the pen or pencil that feels most comfortable in your hand and provides the writing experience you enjoy. Experiment with different types of pens, such as fountain pens, ballpoints, and gel pens, to find your preferred writing instrument.
  3. Attend Workshops or Classes: Consider attending a calligraphy or handwriting workshop to learn new techniques and improve your penmanship. Many local stationery shops, community centers, or online platforms offer classes that cater to various skill levels.
  4. Embrace the Art of Letter Writing: Revive the tradition of sending handwritten letters and cards to friends and family. Not only will this help you practice your penmanship, but it will also bring joy to the recipients.
  5. Share Your Passion: Encourage others to appreciate the art of penmanship by sharing your knowledge and enthusiasm. Discuss the benefits of handwriting with your friends, family, or online communities, and inspire others to pick up a pen and write.


The revival of penmanship is a testament to the timeless value of writing by hand. With its numerous cognitive, emotional, and creative benefits, penmanship remains an essential skill in the digital age. So, go ahead and pick up a pen, embrace the art of handwriting, and rediscover the joys of penmanship.